Will you help 2X as many pets this this winter? Match My Gift
This winter, you can give the greatest gift to animals in our community: a second chance.
You can help twice as many pets in need thanks to a generous donation from close friends of Seattle Humane. They will match every dollar you donate to our Year-End Matching Challenge.
Any amount you give today will DOUBLE to help even more local cats, dogs and critters by providing:
  • Food and shelter

  • Expert medical care and vaccinations

  • Emergency veterinary services for injured or sick animals

  • Adoption services

  • And so much more!

With new calls for support coming in every day and our resources spread thin this winter, we need your help today.
Don’t miss out on this special opportunity for your gift to DOUBLE in value, ensuring 2X the pets in need receive food, compassionate care, expert veterinary treatment and loving homes in 2021!
Your support goes TWICE AS FAR to help create a better community for pets in need.