Urgent / Urgent / Urgent / Time is running out to rescue homeless animals in 2017 Make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Gift
Today, while there’s still a little time left in 2017, I hope you’ll make a gift that:

(1) Provides local homeless animals with good health and loving homes.
(2) Provides you with a tax deduction.

Seattle Humane needs to raise $25,000 by December 31 (tomorrow!). We’re getting very close — will you please help us reach the finish line?

That funding will go a long way towards ensuring we’re prepared to care for every animal who’s brought through our doors in 2018.

Thank you in advance for your loyal support. Please make your tax-deductible gift now.

David Loewe
David Loewe

P.S. Time is running out to make a tax-deductible gift for 2017. Please think of animals who need a loving home in the new year and give before midnight tomorrow!