mardi 30 novembre 2021

There's Still Time to Make a Difference for Pets in Need this Giving Tuesday!

Caring for our community in need

Donate before midnight tonight!

There are just hours left in Giving Tuesday, but it's not too late to make a difference in the lives of pets in need this winter.

Our veterinary and shelter care teams work together every day to provide expert care to the pets at Seattle Humane. Today is no different, especially for the 18 cats who are currently being treated for ringworm. We're one of just a few local shelters that treat ringworm, saving cats and kittens who may otherwise not have a second chance. This lifesaving treatment is costly and takes a toll on our resources.

Watch this video of a few of these friendly felines undergoing ringworm treatment while in isolation at Seattle Humane.

Thanks to our Rescue Squad, each and every cat, dog and critter here at Seattle Humane and in our community has a chance for a long and healthy life. It is only because of our amazing supporters--including you!--that we can provide this expert care for pets.

Please, make your Giving Tuesday gift before midnight tonight and help us reach our $70,000 goal today!

Thank you for supporting the animals this Giving Tuesday and every day.

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13212 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue, WA 98005 | Donate | View in Browser

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lundi 29 novembre 2021

Your Giving Tuesday Gift Will Help Pets like Casper

Caring for our community in need

Giving Tuesday is tomorrow, November 30!

Will you help pets and the people who love them with a special gift today?

With services that lift up our community, including veterinary care for low-income families, temporary foster care for pets of people experiencing housing insecurity, our Pet Food Bank, and of course, adoptions, helping pets and people is the core of our work.

When you make a special Giving Tuesday gift to Seattle Humane, you're helping pets like Casper receive the care they need.

This handsome and fun-loving two-year-old bulldog mix arrived at Seattle Humane earlier this year. In need of medical care, our veterinary team started working on a treatment plan for Casper to relieve his allergies and skin irritaiton. We knew Casper would feel better in a home environment and placed him with a doting foster family where his health improved and their bond grew closer each day. In fact, after six weeks, Casper was adopted by his loving family! Today, with a handle on Casper's allergies, this goofy guy spends most of his days lounging and making friends with everyone he meets.

Ready to help pets like Casper today? Make your gift now and you’ll help us get a head start on our $70,000 Giving Tuesday goal!

Thank you for your help in saving lives, completing families and keeping pets with the people who love them.

Give Today!

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13212 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue, WA 98005 | Donate | View in Browser

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Copyright © 2021 Seattle Humane. All rights reserved.

jeudi 25 novembre 2021

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mercredi 24 novembre 2021

These pets are home for the holidays, thanks to you

Thanks to you, thousands of pets are home for the holidays.

This Thanksgiving, we want to say THANK YOU. We are so very grateful for your support in saving lives, completing families and keeping pets with the people who love them.

These are just a few of the pets you helped this year. Thanks to your generosity, they’re celebrating this holiday season in loving homes.


It took months for this energetic 1-year-old Foxhound mix to find the right family. Levi loved people but had some puppy behaviors — like jumping and mouthing — that required some extra attention from the team at Seattle Humane, and a patient adopter. He found the perfect match in Cody, who took advantage of our Foster-to-Adopt program before officially adopting Levi in May.

"I still pinch myself daily thinking how much I lucked out with Levi. He’s grown into such a playful, intuitive, and loving companion. He’s less rambunctious, doesn’t mouth, chew, or bite, and has become an absolute character in the household. We’ve been all over the state this summer, camping, hiking, backpacking, and beach strolling. I can’t imagine life without him.”


This 11-year-old senior kitty came to us when her person passed away. Like a lot of older pets, she had some health issues and needed some dental work, which our veterinary team addressed during her stay with us. She also needed a family who could help her lose some weight (she weighed nearly 19 pounds). Mary, her adopter, was more than happy to bring beautiful Bella into her life.

“Bella has blossomed so much since I first brought her home and it has been a heartwarming experience for me. We also have made some progress on her weight loss. She is now weighing in at 17.5 pounds. We will continue on this journey, slowly but surely getting her down to a healthy weight. She sleeps with me at night, curled up in my arms, purring loudly. Words cannot describe the love that I have for her or the positive impact she has had on my life. I am honored to be Bella's forever home.”

Honey Bun (now Xavi)

This Flemish Giant was surrendered to us in the spring by a family overrun with rabbits. Big in size and in personality, he quickly won the hearts of staff and volunteers. Mom Rachel reports his new family is completely smitten with this honey of a bunny.

“We are completely in love with Honey Bun, who is now named Xavi. We can’t imagine not having him as part of our family. He’s happy and loved and snuggled up a ton by all of us, especially the kids. And he’s pumped about all the veggies in our garden. We’ve done away with his enclosure and he’s now a free roaming giant bunny!”


We've spent the past year connecting people and pets, but we've also been hard at work helping families stay together through difficult times. When Handsome needed emergency surgery earlier this year to remove bladder stones, his mom Sheila reached out to Seattle Humane’s Pet Resource Center and our Pet Owner Assistance Fund for help in covering a portion of the surgery. Today, Handsome is staying healthy — and home with the people who love him — with the support of our Pet Food Bank.

“Handsome is on a prescription diet. Keeping your dog healthy is very expensive. If I get low on food, I call them and get on their delivery schedule and they just deliver it right to your door. Seattle Humane — they just stepped up to the plate.”

Meet Handsome and Sheila and see how we’re helping other pet families in our community here.

Thank you for supporting Seattle Humane and making all of these happy endings possible.

13212 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue, WA 98005 | Donate | View in Browser

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