Help our community in need.
Every day, while the coronavirus pandemic continues to limit our access to the public, your online gifts become more and more important.
We’re overwhelmed by the support of our community, stepping up to join us as foster families to shelter and care for pets in need. Thank you. Now, we need your support to continue caring for our community and funding critical programs like our Pet Food Bank.
Thanks to a generous friend of Seattle Humane, your gift today will double, up to $5,000!
Our Pet Food Bank provides much-needed basic supplies and food for 1,700 to 2,000 families each month -- and each week, we see an increase in need by 10 to 15 families affected by this crisis.
Basic necessities like pet food, kitty litter and medical supplies are needed now more than ever.
Following the recommendations of the CDC and local authorities, Seattle Humane is limiting the number of staff onsite and is practicing social distancing. While we normally welcome your gifts of food and supplies at our shelter, at this time we request that you keep those items at home until we reopen to the public and consider an online donation.
We’re here for our Seattle Humane family. Thank you for being here for our community during this uncertain time in our world.
Help us face these unprecedented challenges together by giving today.