Summer S.O.S.
Cats and dogs are in URGENT DANGER
Summer’s no walk in the park for homeless and neglected animals — every day can be a struggle to survive . . .
homeless animals face in summer
Water sources may dry up, leaving animals susceptible to dehydration and even heatstroke.
A spring “baby boom” of kittens and puppies intensifies competition for food and water when they may already be in short supply.
Deadly diseases like heartworm and parvovirus spread faster in warmer weather.
At the same time, adoptions slow down and donations drop because many of our friends are traveling or busy with their families. This strains our ability to care for so many vulnerable animals at the very time our services are most critical!
For all these reasons, Seattle Humane has declared a Summer SOS — and if it’s possible, we need your help today!
Your support will provide the resources that thousands of cats and dogs urgently need, including:
Food and shelter
Vaccinations and medical care
Spay and neuter surgeries
Loving adoptive families
Your gift is critical. Thank you in advance for your compassion.
David Loewe
David Loewe
P.S. As we deal with the recent “baby boom,” many kittens and puppies will suffer in the summer heat. Please help provide urgently needed supplies and resources for these animals. Make your generous donation today!