vendredi 29 septembre 2017

BigCatDerek : ""Kind of a cranky snuffle" | BEST Crazy Pants August 2017" et d'autres vidéos

BigCatDerek : ""Kind of a cranky snuffle" | BEST Crazy Pants August 2017" et d'autres vidéos

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"Kind of a cranky snuffle" | BEST Crazy Pants August 2017
"Kind of a cranky snuffle" | BEST Crazy Pants August 2017
Cat lying on dry leaves and want food
Cat lying on dry leaves and want food
Robin Seplut
Watch Our Big Cats LIVE!!
Watch Our Big Cats LIVE!!
Big Cat Rescue
Cat® Wheeled Excavator Solutions
Cat® Wheeled Excavator Solutions
Cat® Products
🔴Live Massive Catfish vs Boy: catching catfish from shore
🔴Live Massive Catfish vs Boy: catching catfish from shore
Catfish and Carp
Monkey Cleans Cupcake - 2 Cats In Love
Monkey Cleans Cupcake - 2 Cats In Love
The Kits Cats
Keeping Your Indoor Cat From Getting Bored
Keeping Your Indoor Cat From Getting Bored
Cats and Pats
C.A.T.S. — Best Battles #11
C.A.T.S. — Best Battles #11
C.A.T.S: Crash Arena Turbo Stars
Let's shoot the Glock 36
Let's shoot the Glock 36
Cats In Camo
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Glow bright for the animals at Glow in the Park!

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lundi 25 septembre 2017

Big or Small, Young or Old, Every 🐱🐶 Deserves 💖

Adopt a special-needs or senior pet today. Can't read this email? View in browser
Newsletter September 2017
Adopt-A-Less Adoptable Pet
Adopt a "Less Adoptable" Pet!
Puppies and kittens are wonderful, but "less adoptable" pets need love, too! Some are older, have special needs, or are simply the "wrong" breed or color. Now is the time to take action and find these deserving pets a forever home! Did you know many senior dogs are already housetrained? And three-legged cats can get around just as well as our four-legged friends? Learn about the many benefits of adopting a less adoptable pet.
Pet owners who gave older animals their best
Older Pets Make Great Pets
Senior animals are often overlooked at shelters, but that doesn't mean their best years are behind them. Check out two tales of pet owners who gave older animals their best years yet.
Happy Tail Read About Finnley
Finnley Overcomes Anxiety
Finnley quickly became very attached to her adopter, Taurie. Training classes, anxiety medicine and a behaviorist have helped Finnley overcome her problems.
Foundation Spotlight - Unfriendly No More
'Unfriendly' No More
Rogue was hostile toward other dogs at the shelter. But in Petfinder Foundation-sponsored playgroups, she became a "superstar" and now lives happily with three dog siblings! Read more.
Help Save Pets Affeted by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, Please DONATE TODAY
Meet Purina
When returning home, I am welcomed by:
My Cat
My Dog
None provides a searchable database of animals who need homes from over 13,000 animal shelters and rescue groups across the USA, Canada and Mexico, plus articles and videos for pet parents. Since its inception, Petfinder has helped find homes for more than 25 million pets.

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